In BC or in Montana? Being about 300 km away from each other the parks may have different native vegetation.
Yes, of those I have seen myself it would be an Elmera - I couldn't remember the genus name earlier. Heuchera belongs to a set that has undivided (or missing) petals, whereas Elmera falls in with another grouping that shares divided or lobed petals (specifically 5-7-lobed with Elmera). That the petals of your plant are lobed can just be made out in your second photo - when asking about wild plants it is a good idea to include close views that permit fine anatomical details to be seen.
Which takes us back to Heuchera cylindrica. And which is what it actually looks like anyway - (apparently then what your picture is showing is separate petals instead of lobed petals, another example of why good close views are called for with questions like this): heuchera cylindrica - Bing images
OK, Heuchera cylindrica is perfect. This is my Elmera racemosa, Yellow Coralbells from Mount Rainier, leaves are very the same, but Montana is too far from Mount Rainier...