yellow cedar?

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by moose, Oct 21, 2004.

  1. I visited BC a few years ago and collected some seeds from various trees.

    One "batch" of seeds germinated very well (zone 4, Ontario). The plants look like yellow cedar except that twigs do not appear to be rounded. There are two folded "leaves" that flare out from the twig and are sharp pointed. However, the two leaves at 90 degrees to these appear to be flat. The flat leaves do have a glandular marking similar to yellow Cedar, as shown in Wild Trees of British Columbia.

    Western Red Cedar is supposed to have flat leaves and folded leaves but the leaves are supposed to be blunt and to lie flat to the twig. Also there is supposedly no gland dot.

    In a nutshell, I have a tree showing all signs that it is a yellow cedar but its twigs are not roundish/squarish. These are trees only about a foot high. Perhaps it is the juvenile aspect that is confusing me?

    (Perhaps i should be saying scales, not leaves.)


  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Thuja plicata and Cupressus nootkatensis smell differently, the latter having a more sour aaroma.

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