Would like to know the name of this flower, please

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by undrentide, Apr 10, 2005.

  1. undrentide

    undrentide Member

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    Tokyo, Japan

    I got a photo from Hungary, and found this forum while trying to find out what is the name of the flower on the photo.

    These flowers were found in a forest in one of the mountains near Tata, Hungary (North-west from Budapest).

    First I thought it is a kind of lupin, but looking closely at the shape of the flower which has calcar, and the shape and the silverish colour of the leaves, maybe it does not belong to peaflower family but buttercup family or poppy family... Or something completely different. (Fumitory Family? But they look much larger...)

    The person who gave me the photo has no botanical knowledge, and I'm living in Japan and do not know much about plants in Europe... All I've got at hand are Collin's Gem Guides on "Wild Flowers" and "Fruits, Nuts & Bearries", they are unfortunately on those found in UK.

    I'm not sure if it is appropriate to ask about European plant at a forum belonging to UBC which is located in Canada, but I'd be most greatful if someone could help me to find out what this plant is. I was told that they were very fragrant and the forest was full of sweet scent.
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Corydalis sp., maybe C. solida.
  3. undrentide

    undrentide Member

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    Tokyo, Japan
    Thank you! It's Corydalis cava.

    Thank you so much for your prompt reply, I searched for "corydalis" at Hungarian site and found this webpage.


    So it's name is Odvas keltike in Hungarian (odvas means dry-rot but I cannot found the word keltike... will have to ask my friend), and in latin Corydalis cava

    Thank you again for your help!!! :)

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