this plant has been a mystery to me since the first time i saw it bloom at night back when i was a 16 year old with my first job.. im now 25 and i still havent come across the name! it has decently broad leaves, with sturdy fuzzy stems. the flower pods/buds (im not sure what to call them) grow to about 4-5 inches in length, then open up into fairly large white flowers. eventually the plant drops prickly seed pods about 2" in diameter. The plants themselves, if allowed enough room in a pot or the ground, can get up to at least 3' high. (the last time i had one of these, we let the seed pods fall where they may-we wound up with a countless number of these, very very nice to see!) in early may i picked this one up from my mom's place, it was a couple inches tall and had popped up in the wild. i'd rather have mine in the ground so it's got plenty of room to grow, but im limited where i live. anyhow, if someone could even point me in the direction. i would just love to know for my own sake! when it starts dropping seed pods, im going to give them to some friends and i'd like to be able to tell them what they're gettin! thank you for your help! (by the way, i'll post pics of the blooms once they open!)
thanks for your response- i looked both of those up, but neither were on the money. thanks though i appreciate it
datura seems to be correct! i looked up several sites with this type of plant, most have different leaves than mine, but that's gotta just be some little variant. (mine's got smoother points than most ive seen on the net thus far.) thank you so much! i'll be posting pics of the blooms as soon as it opens. so excited! thanks again!
btw i ran across this on erowid COMMON NAMES: Jimson Weed; Devil's Apple; Thorn Apple; Stinkweed; Devil's Weed; Malpitte; Moonflower; Toloache (D. inoxia) you were right all along, sorry i didnt dig a little deeper on that.
got a chance to look a little more after work. the ones that look most like mine have been datura "inoxia". also i repotted it into a much larger planter.. the roots looked like they really needed the room. now we'll see if it takes off. (although i have no idea if replanting it will shock it at all?) i took a few more pics in case anyone would like to see. it's ready to bloom, i cant wait :)
what a great night to bloom! 4th of july/independence day. these are pics from this afternoon up till about 945 this evenin *edit, added the last few pics. 199 and 200 are from this morning, and 206 is from this afternoon.
I have the same plant I was trying to find out what it was. I have about 20 blooms one night 35 the next night and 40 the night after Everyday evening/night it has at least 10-15 bloom.
i had 10 bloom a couple weeks back, since then it hasnt had but a few. there are at least 10-15 small buds on there now so i'll get anotehr show in a couple weeks. do you have any pics of yours? is yours in the ground?
it looks like ny datura ballerina by leaves and stem flowers are some pics of mine.all i ahve heard they are toxic.
WOW! i had a SINGLE bloom with a tinge of lavender around the edges, but the rest of them have been solid white. that's awesome!
Yes eu4ik I do have 2-3 pics of them on a 35mm not digital. When i get them developed I will post them or e-mail them to you. Which ever you prefer. The pic is the night about 39-40 bloomed at once. It's an awsome site to watch that many pop right in front of you.
btw Yes it is in the ground. A friend gave me 3 plants about 9inches tall and I planted the in the ground last year. Then the new and improved ones came up and took over the front porch and sidewalk.
I've had white and lavander datura. The white ones self seed freely. I've had them come up in the parking lot. Some years I don't have any, other years I have loads of them. There is a cow pasture a few miles from me, where they come up eradically. The cows are apparently smart enough not to eat them because they always stand out in the pasture when the rest of the field is kept short.
Well I am surprised no one mentioned the wonderful fragrance that these beauties often emit in the evening! I think they are underappreciated plants. They have been demonized for their toxicity, although several other commonly grown plants are equally dangerous. Brugmansia spp. are trees or shrubs, whereas Datura spp. are annual or short lived perennial herbs. All brugmansias are tender or tropical, needing zone 9 or higher conditions. Daturas can be found in colder zones, although usually growing as annuals. Brugmansias have pendulous flowers, daturas are often upright, but can also be pendulous. (If the flowers are upright, you know it is datura.) If you like the flowers in this thread take a look at the American Brugmansia & Datura Society (ABADS) website.
yes, they are very fragrant,suppose it gets lost in the warnings from all.i would like to add, i have 5 datura 'balerinas and all are pots out of doors,and i have seen that they WILL only get as big as the pot you plant them in.1 gallon pot maxed out,some time ago,at aprox 18inches tall and not much wider than the pot.also, leaves will start turning yellow soon,fertilizer is a must.i used a high potiency fertiler and they greened back in 24 hours.but remember,they they do have a giant seed pod after each flower and grow quite easily.always be aware, they are toxic. tom
i will have pictures of mine soon. I want to know if they are bigger than normal of normal size. I had a friend take pics tonight(8-20-06) because it looked like alot was going to bloom. I was right!