I would like to request the identity of the plants growing in that back ground of this c. 1898 picture. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The older gentleman in the photo is listed as a gardener in Halifax at one time and he was originally from England.
What a task, if those taller plants in the background are actually strung up vines I would guess along the lines of Ivy?? Hops?? Best of luck!
Given the times they lived in, I would guess they'd be growing things to eat in the main part. Maybe Beans /Peas? Can you blow up the picture and repost it with a closer view? MXB
What might help would be a high resolution scan of the picture. That would give us something that might be a little better to work with. My guesses are delphinium or digitalis on the extreme left against the house, roses on the right. The shrub middle right might be hydrangea. Found the crutches nearby a little disheartening. But a great family picture from the time. Harry
Sorry for the delay in thanking everyone for the great suggestions. I'm not about to rescan, as I do not have the original photo. Now that some of the plants have been identified I can see them myself. Thanks again for all the help.