Smells like eucalyptus. Looks like a willow! Help! I've attached a couple of pictures including one that shows the bark... Thanks! -------- Anya
when we hear eucalyptus we think of those stalks with the round leaves that are used for floral displays. those round leaves are the juvenile leaves - as the tree matures, the leaves change shape. some varieties are hardy in your area, so, if it smells like a euc, then it probably is one. i'm sure someone will come along and confirm it :) beautiful bird in the pics...
Definatley not willow. I recognise the tree as a native (Australian) in fact I think I have one in the paddock planting I think mine is what they call a lemon scented gum. There are so many varieties that look similar that I suspect you really need to know your stuff to get right name. Liz
Eucalyptus nicholii, AKA Willow Peppermint looks like a good match and is commonly grown in California. HTH Chris
Hi Liz, I checked out other pictures of Lemon Scented Gum, and don't think that is what I have.... But definitely a good guess. It does bloom with white flowers. Right now it has small pods on it (See Tree004.jpg). I've attached pics I took today.... 1-3 are just a panorama of pics of the whole tree (the previous owner did a really bad trim job on the tree - it looks like a punk rock haircut :) Pic #5 is a better close up of the leaves. I have the full resolution images if anyone needs to zoom in closer for a better look at the pods/leaves. Thank you all.... Anya
No I will defer I have no idea what half of them are. I just know it's one of ours when I see them even in Scotland where I think I saw a native blue gum from Tasmania. Yours will come good and it is a good climate for it. Often the more you hack the more they sprout. Its their regenerative abilities. You should see the bush after a fire. Takes about 6 to 8 weeks and there are green shoots everywhere. Liz (still waiting for rains)
If that is it then it is a limited species here but they do say it has cultivars. Species List (fast)/Agonis flexuosa Liz