I recently spent a week hiking in the Durand Glacier area of the Selkirk Mountains. I saw many wildflowers and was able to identify most with a couple of Rocky Mountain field guides but 2 species are completely stumping me. I would appreciate any help. IMG 3406 and 3426 are the same plant. 3255 is different. Thanks, Claudia Burns
Thanks Daniel. Looking up Pedcularis racemosa on the Internet, I think you are correct. I thought it might be related to the Louseworts which i know from Ontario but I couldnt find the right species. This plant was on the sunny side of a steep mountain slope with many other wildflowers and above treeline. Thanks Michael for your suggestion. I wondered if it might be in the Onagraceae family but cannot seem to pinpoint the species looking on the E- Flora, B.C. webpage. The closest I can come to is Oenothera pallida but these plants were growing in a wet alpine meadow location along with Mimulus Lewisii, Mimulus guttatus and Epilobium latifolium. Oenothera pallida seems to grow in dry locations from what I read. Claudia
I think you are right ,Ron. Thank-you so much for solving my problem. It is a lovely plant and i hope to make its acquaintance again sometime. Claudia