Wild Vine ID

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by pierpont, Aug 27, 2004.

  1. pierpont

    pierpont Member

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    Could you help me determine the name and origins of a wild vine growing on a friends property?

    This vine has five points to a leaf and dark green. Could almost look like a wide leafed hemp if it weren't for the blossom/seed pods. They are an off white, very soft, and almost furry. Approx. 1 inch in diameter and 1 in long. Gives me the impression of "Angels Hair" christmas tree decoration or possibly cotton candy except you can see defined tendrels.

    If anyone can direct me to a research site where I may be able to view different vines than maybe I can get the answers there.

  2. Cannabis(?) comparison wouldn't fit, but fruit description might indicate a Clematis.

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