I found this berry plant growing in a garden in the western slope of Colorado. It grows like a vine, with red raspberry looking fruit appearing along the entire length of the branches. I can't figure out what it is. I would appreciate any suggestions as to what it is or where I may find a resource to identify it. Thanks!
Interesting. http://www.ibiblio.org/pfaf/cgi-bin/arr_html?Chenopodium+capitatum http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chenopodium_capitatum I wonder if we have that here Liz
Yes, it is very interesting. But Wikipedia have made a bit if a mistake...... Quote...."Flowers are small pulpy, bright red and edible, resembling strawberries" These are the fruits not the flowers. See.... http://www.nearctica.com/flowers/bandc/chenop/Ccapit.htm
Nothing new there! An older version of the page from a year ago has it right: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Chenopodium_capitatum&oldid=225975556 . . . just means someone has vandalised the page and it hasn't been picked up.
Sorry and I was not using my checking skills. I should know better I was mainly using it for the pic Liz
I just bought a package of seeds for these. A local name for them is 'Strawberry Blite'. They are identified on the package as Spinach Chenopodium capitatum, And their wiki is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chenopodium_capitatum Seed Source: McKenzie seeds, bought at Art Knapps in Kamloops. The fruit is edible, ans are the leaves, which can be eaten like spinach. (says the package). I found this page about them: http://northernbushcraft.com/topic.php?name=strawberry-blite®ion=bc&ctgy=edible_plants