Hello all, I'm new to your forum. Can anyone help me discover what sort of shrub this is? Although I really love flowers and plants, I don't know how to identify them. This particular shrub is as old as I am (mid 30's) and has been a favorite on my mother's property all my life. It gets stunning white flowers every June here in SE Wiscosnin (zone 5). I've attached a couple pics in flower. It is a HUGE shrub. By memory I would guess it well over 8 feet tall and at least double that in width. It never receives any care of any kind, ever. It just thrives. It gets a good deal of sun. I thought maybe it was a viburnum plicatum var. tomentosum (doublefile virburnum) but upon further research, that just doesn't look quite right. (Don't think I know a lot of plant names just because I threw that one out there - I have a few humble little reference books - that's all - I'm a plant name neophyte). Thanks for any clues! -Lynn
Thanks very much for your help! You're absolutely right about the mockorange / philadelphus. I think it might possibly be one they call Silver Showers, but can't be too sure yet, I've only seen one very tiny picture of silver showers. Turns out this shrub dates back to pre-1960. I can't be sure how much more than that, as that would pre-date my parents purchase of the property. I'll keep trying to find out more by internet search. Funny, I've read that the mockorange can get leggy and unattractive - this one must be in an ideal location because it is thick and bushy and healthy as can be. Now I need to learn how to propagate this shrub so I have one or two for myself and an extra for mom. Is there anything on this site, or another site I could read that would explain how to do that? Thanks again! -Lynn
Hardwood cuttings would probably work well. May need a manual to figure out which exact one it is, 'Silver Showers' could be checked pretty quickly by finding out when it was introduced, if it has been sold in North America. Trying to match up internet photos could be a waste of time, better to try and find other examples in the vicinity and find out what they are called. After you have a pretty strong hunch then photos can be used for some confirmation. Try other gardeners, botanical collections, nurseries and the like to see if any have the same variety as yours. It could turn out to be something common, easily identified.
Thanks, Ron. You're right about the internet search, I'm sorry to say. I just found another Silver Showers (also called Silberregen I found out) but the photo looked nothing like the other supposed Silver Showers. I will do what you suggest with local research and see if I can figure things out. Maybe a trip to the library will even help with books for reference. Will let you know what I find out if i get a good identification. best, -Lynn