Stunning photo. I'm going to say the same to you that I just said elsewhere today - if you're going to want to ask the ID of something, in addition to your award-worthy photo, you could also take a habit photo (what the whole plant looks like), and the leaves or other parts likely to be distinguishing features. I think not columbine - on this very descriptive page of ways to classify columbines from the US Forest Service: The Columbine Flower, it looks like each petal has a spur, whereas these flowers have a single spur. I gave up on google, tried plants with spurs on bing, have come up with Larkspur, previously called Delphinium, now seems to be Consolida ajacis. Consolida ajacis Has the name Delphinium disappeared?
Thanks a lot. I took more than 800 shots with 2 cameras this morning. And only 2 shots of this one, thinking it is no more than a columbine. Otherwise I would have taken more views. Took the whole afternoon to delete down to 120 frames and then realised it is not columbine ! Too late and tomorrow won't be able to get back to shoot again.
At least you captured the front and the back of the flowers! And that they're on a stalk. Here is a photo with some leaves: Gu?a Visual de la Biodiversidad de Navarra I see you're specializing in toxic plants. :) This one is too. Consolida ajacis - Plant Finder
Thanks again. I am not specific on any plants. Just to keep myself busy when birds (and anything that flies) don't show up !
I know, but you commented when you discovered you had posted a second poisonous plant, and then here was another. That's all I meant.