Growing wild in southern part of Michigan. Are the cherries of this species edible?
One of the orchard cherries, probably sweet cherry (Prunus avium) although dried appearance of leaves makes it harder to be sure. Otherwise it would be sour cherry (P. cerasus) or the much less frequent hybrid between the two, but sweet cherry seems most likely. In any case, definitely edible.
Funny how they look like the Rainier cherries i buy at the market. Is it possible that someone spit iut some seeds cherry tree. Then again probably not.
In my area sweet cherry is a common weed, that even crosses with the native bitter cherry to produce numerous examples of a hybrid species called Puget cherry. In suitable climates various orchard fruits do come up from seed, on their own, particularly where there are numerous orchard plantings. There might be numbers of spontaneous or at least untended sweet cherry trees in your area also.