Last week I visited Seattle Wash. from Phila Pa. I spotted an amazing tree, knocked on the door, and was told it was a Monkey Pod tree. What exactly is that? Would one grow in Phila Pa. Also he felt his was dying as it was turning brown from the bottom up and only the very top of the tree still was green. He had people look at it but no one knew what was wrong. It was an old large tree. Any guesses?
You're certain it was a Monkey Pod? Samanea Saman is a z10+ tropical tree. Never been to Seattle, but I was under the impression it did get below 35 - 40 degrees in the winter.....
I'd agree with DGuertin, probably means a Monkey-puzzle Araucaria araucana. These very commonly do lose their lower branches as they mature; this is normal, and not a sign of dying. Sorry, no, it won't grow in PA. It only succeeds with mild winters and cool summers.
From your photo, that's exactly what the tree looked like, sort of needle-type evergreen . I only know that the owner said, he was told "monkey pod" but really knows nothing about the tree. It definitely can get cold in Seattle and thanks for getting back to me so quickly. shelly
Aloha from Hawaii~~~~ nope that isn't a MonKey Pod Tree... they have an umbrella shape and are huge! beautfiul and I hear, invasive.