i have a locust in my back yard. i know its a locust but i am not sure what type it is. i heard some locusts are poisonous. i think black locusts. its almost 100 feet tall,its leaves are round and alternately arranged about a dozen per twig,it has no thorns,its first branch is about 15 feet up,its flowers are white,and it has long seed pods and its branches are randomly arranged.i had another such tree and it had to be cut down and i used it for firewood a couple times and had no problems with it but i want to be sure. does anyone know if it is poisonous? im sorry i couldnt get a picture.ill try to post some when i can. thanks!!!!!!!!
The leaves and seeds are poisonous if you eat them. Safe to handle and to use as firewood though, it isn't like e.g. poison-ivy. The nectar in the flowers is edible, and makes very good honey.
It is only poisonous if you eat the leaves or bark. Otherwise you will be fine. I am looking for some seed pods to grow these fast growing trees on some land I own. If you can spare some pods I would appreciate them. Kevin Cook 378 Macewen Rd Summerside, PE, C1N 4X9 Canada
im sorry. i checked this post and was going to pick some seed pods for you but i didnt have time now there are no more seed pods but if u still want them next year emind me then.