My mom found this leaf in the yard. And not sure what it belongs too. Any help would be great Thanks,
did ya click on pic to enlarge? looks big on mine when i click on pic. Thanks for reply.anyone certain what it is?
Where is "east, usa"? How close to a natural area with native plants does your mother live or is it strictly an urbanized area?
I'm sure it is not Sassafras. Sassafras has lobed but not serrated margins. It may not even be from a tree. Need to find more leaves like it, and photograph a branch with several leaves on it.
I'am in Ohio..We live in the country and we have few different kinds of tree's on the property but none with that leaf..And my mom knows quite a bit about flowers/tree's our north and west is woods.. No,Dont think so...
Possibly a Hawthorn (Crataegus) of some sort, but hard to tell without an indication of scale. How large is the leaf? Crataegus leaves are typically 3-5cm long.