Hello all, My first post! Just moved in and having a hard time trying to figure out what some plants are. Might be easier to tell in the spring when they have more going on in terms of leaves. Any guesses would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Welcome to UBC forums. It is really hard to accurately id a shrub in winter from a general small pic. 1. Is Corylus avellana contorta...common name Corkscrew hazel. Corylus avellana 'Contorta' corkscrew hazel - Google Search It has a second evergreen plant which is climbing through it. Maybe Akebia quinquefolia. akebia quinquefolia - Google Search ........................................................ 2. Looking at the seed pods it may be a deciduous Azalea..a Rhododendron. deciduous azalea - Google Search 3. ?
Agree with contorted hazel, looks like it has the green growth initials of 'Contorta'. Otherwise purple-leaved corkscrew cultivars have been on the market for awhile. Second is a deciduous hybrid azalea, third a climbing hydrangea or hydrangea vine.