Hello, I hope you could help me. No-one could do that before... I really need to know the name of the grass which "outline" is in the image. Can you help me to find this information? Thank you in advance.
Mayebe is a kind of flower. Perhaps a wilding flower. But the name is very important if anyone could recognize it.
I have just looked through the Color Encyclopedia of Ornamental Grasses by Rick Darke which is a pretty comprehensive reference on grasses, and I can find nothing close to your photograph. How ever it does look familiar some how, I will research it further! Ashizuru.......
I wonder if more information about the context from which the image was taken from might help. Where did the image originate from? Is it part of a larger image? In what theme was it? Has it been digitally crafted? Is it part of a design? The image is small, but my impression (but I may be wrong) is that there is material from more than one type of plants there. Which ones are you referring to?
It does strike me that there are different types of material in the image. The tallest bring to mind perhaps allium buds beginning to open. More information definitely needed to clarify the question and provide an answer. Where (geographically) might this plant material have come from?
I'm with Tipularia - looks like a moss spore capsule to me. Some indication of scale would help a lot, though.
Sorry for the late, I was away for work. The image is handcrafted, I do not know by who. I beleave it is not taken from a photo. And obviously I do not know the geo location. Thak you all for the help.
Hmmm this one's driving me nuts. The taller spec looks more like a dried flower, the smaller one's inflorescence (if truly a grass) is a spicate raceme, belonging to what I have no idea. Arghhhhh. lol
It is a moss, a bryophyte. The top part is the sporophyte and the bottom is the gametophyte. This should explain it... http://sps.k12.ar.us/massengale/moss__fern_notes_b1.htm
The photos are the nearest comparison I ever seen since I began this research. Perhaps the final solution, the photo seems to be, the real answer to this stylished design (difficult to analyze). Thank you folk for the priceless help. This is the best community I had the privilege to haunt. Thanks a lot!