Hello, Can you help ID this plant for me? I bought an Astilbe plant at a nursery a couple of weeks ago and this little guy was growing in the pot as well. So I removed it and started it in it's own pot. The flowers are really tiny. It gets mostly full sun except for late afternoon and it's doing much better than when I had it in the shade. I also noticed the blooms close in the evening. Thanks in advance!
I wonder if that is the same as this that I walked past one day, and is it Epilobium ciliatum, fringed willowherb or American willowherb? I don't see any bristly hairs though. I see on the Epilobium – awkward botany page that they number in the dozens and they hybridize frequently, so maybe it's not possible to say. I don't know that site, but it was an interesting read.