Tamarix ramosissima, saltcedar. Tamarix ramosissima - Wikipedia We had one of these on our farm where I grew up in Ohio. Just beautiful in bloom. Very invasive in dry warm regions though.
Yes, if this is starting to become invasive in an area, it is worth notifying the municipality / local invasive species council.
Keep it away from water. It loves to live on the edges of waterways. The tiny seeds go everywhere on a light breeze.
awwww such a pretty plant too n i was gunu grow it at my moms cuz she thought it was pretty....... and we live right on a riverbank too... :( oh well I work for the city Ill let my boss know about it asap thnx everyone! ;p
well its not too invasive yet its just the one plant a few people in the community have them in their yard..... is it a problem????
It is an invasive plant in Xeriscape zones, like Arizona. It is better at colonizing, and chokes out the locals. It is probably OK in northern wet zones where aggressive locals can hold their own, but you should check with your local experts. They are trees, and they get pretty big, ~20 ft.?