i am trying to find this red flower and see if it can be planted in the Pacific North West (Seattle). Thanks.
Sure can - it's a Cape fuchsia, Phygelius. I don't know which cultivar this might be, but a good starting point for information is here: Cape Fuchsias via the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. We've some relatively large plantings of various Phygelius here at UBC, and it's very successful.
Sorry Daniel, I'm loathed to debate your call of phygelius. It's Penstemon (for sure) hartweigii (species me thinks) Garnett (cultivar) They love it here in sydney but would be half hardy in seattle. They have no herbaceous tendancies. fear not, as cuttings are easily struck in autumn for overwintering. light well drained fertile soil, full sun and away they go.
Yep, you're right. Phygelius seems to typically have stamens which extend beyond the corolla tube, while the Penstemon does not (as shown in the pics of the original poster). Thanks for the correction.
'Andenken an Friedrich Hahn' ('Garnet') is a different shade of red, with larger, wider-mouthed flowers with more open inflorescences.