I was walking through my back yard yesterday and noticed this little plant growing near my fence. It has a pleasant smell, so I dug it up before my fiance cut the grass. I'm still new to gardening, so I was hoping someone could help me identify it. I just moved into my home in December, so I'm not sure if the previous owners were growing anything in the yard or not and I have no way to contact them. It was growing near a group of plants I identified as horsenettle. Thanks!
Boneset has different leaves. They grow directly across the stem connected to each other. This plant's leaves do not.
Camphorweed perhaps? http://www.riobrazosmn.org/pages/Billy species list/Images P/Pluchea-odorata1.jpg
If it started growing near the fence (right next to it) it is probably a weed tree of some sort. Google weed trees for your area. Probably something you don't want, but then again it might be native.