Hi! I have a creeper/climber/vine growing rampantly in one of the flowerbeds that I am trying to reclaim. I've looked all over the web and apparently this thing doesn't exist according to all the identification keys I can find. I don't have a camera, but here are the characteristics I can describe: Flowers look like periwinkle, but there are 6, not 5, petals. There are VERY few of them. Leaves are opposite, smooth, long, roundish at the stem coming to a point at the tip, with a single vein down the middle with smaller veins coming off of it, and white/cream around the edges. It grows like wildfire, and I think it's rather pretty but suspect it to be a weed. Can anyone tell me what this is? Thanks!
Another possibility is Variegated Vinca and a naturalized bulb such as Star of Bethlehem blooming through the foliage.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure at this point that it's a variegated vinca ... I found a picture of a "Ralph Shugart" variety that looks almost identical to my plant. It just must have been a mutant flower to have an extra petal, like a 4-leaf clover :) Thanks for the help!