Ok, this plant/tree/shrub or whatever it's classification is better known to me as "Trash Oak" I know thats not the real name, but I call it that because it's everywhere here in mississippi. It grows back very fast and is very ugly. What is it's proper name?
The leaves don't really have a smell when crushed maybe just a raw veg smell.. It has little white flowers all over it right now that bees are swarming & It stays green all year. It stays small with a straight up very hard flexible woody stem that is smooth. I've rarely seen it grow bigger in diameter than and average finger.
well I thought they were the same... They are directly next too each other wherever they grow always... But now that I look at the leaves they do seem different. Can you identify either?
The first one still looks like Myrica cerifera. Maybe you smelled the wrong one. Try to find one and see if it smells like bay leaves. Some have a stronger odor than others.
I smelled both... Both have about the same smell... No Bay smell at all.. I did a Google on Myrica cerifera and as it does look simular, it's not it. I'll try to get some better photos...
The one in flower is Ilex glabra. See pics at http://www.odu.edu/~lmusselm/plant/index.php?todo=plant&id=1176 Note variable petal number. The other one could be Myrica cerifera (or, if you prefer, Morella cerifera) -- if so, it should have little catkin-like inflorescences.