Whats the minimum temp a philodendron can take? i could use the RHS book but its always too cautious, says Agaves minimum 10C and i know they go lower :)
Probably the 10 pounder, as I call it--a single volume over here weighing that much, edited by Brickell & Zuk and retitled AHS A-Z etc. Better than most such productions but not comprehensive or completely accurate. The one with the biggest number of plants I have seen is FLORA--one volume from Global or two from Timber--but the text is often weak--for example, the cones of bristlecone fir being bristly is left out of the description--and many of the photos appear to be taken Down Under, where habit is different than in cold climates and cultivar assortments are different. Photos used odd for other reasons, like space being given over to pointless multiseason views of Abelia x grandiflora. When evaluating hardiness designations first try to find out what the cutoff represents in terms of plant response: death, or beginning of damage? Often this is not delineated but sometimes it is.
i got the 10 pounder as well, the re-printed version was split into 2 (i used the big book so much it nearly fell to bits) i like to know temperatures of both damage and death. anyway i digress too much already.....i think philodendron would be a no no for outside in the UK.