What is this? Is this edible?

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by Zeno, Jan 29, 2023.

  1. Zeno

    Zeno New Member

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    When this popped up in our yard a while back my mother was completely convinced we could fry this up and eat it. But I don;t even know what it is. She was convinced it was kale because the neighbor grew some once, it doesn't look anything like the images of kale I found, so I told her it was best to wait and know so I potted it at the time. It grew in the pot and got much bigger leaves than this, and the red seemed to go away at one point too, but I still wasn't able to identify it to being certain enough to know if it's food. Is it some sort of Sorrel? That was the closest looking plant in some images that I could find when searching, but not sure. Trying to research on my own took so long that winter came, but then it came back the next year, which was last summer when I took this photo. (Around mid July I think). It's sort of young here but I can't find if I took another photo.


    If it's hard to tell what it might be from this image, if it returns again this summer; I could try to wait until it gets as big as it can to take a few photos.
    But if anyone is certain they know what it might be now; What might it be? And, is it edible? And safely edible?
    Thanks for reading.
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Dock (Rumex). Common clumping perennial weed, hard to dig out once much size has been reached.
    Silver surfer likes this.
  3. Zeno

    Zeno New Member

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    Thank you, I guess it's a good thing I potted it back when I did.

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