I know that garden chrysanthemums can be difficult to ID, given the large number of varieties out there. But this one bugs me. I have had this for 5 years now. I originally bought it from a big box store, labelled "Garden Mums". But in the past 2 years, I have seen it in a number of gardens, grown as container plants. The colour seems distinctive and the flowers are rather small - only 1 to 1.25 inches across. Given these later two characteristics, I hope someone can pink down the cultivar name for me. Thanks. Ignore the larger flower at the top right hand corner.
Maybe Chrysanthemum x morifolium 'Mia' (also called "Button Mums") Could also be cultivar 'Cheryl' or 'Cecilia', or possibly 'Victoria' but I feel it's closest to the colour on 'Mia'