Hello all. I need help with identification of a tree that our family know's as "Mom's red tree". Mom was a plant lover, avid gardener and raided the local nursery's disgard pile avidly. Our yard was an electic mix of wonderful plants. We never did know what Mom's tree really is, can you help? It has a milky white sap, which once caused mom to go blind and required a trip to the hospital! The leaves grow from a single stem and four stems grow from the main stem in all four directions. Did I explain that clearly? I'm going to attach a picture (I hope). Oh, and this tree produces very tiny white flowers, that is one in the picture at the top of the stem.
Can't see too much detail from the image - it's low resolution. Are you able to provide close-ups of the foliage - mature and young - and the stems? Has it ever flowered. Initial thoughts is that it is a form of Euphorbia pulcherrima. This is commonly known as the Pointsettias of Christmas fame. But those have been developed for maximal floral display.
Here are some more pictures. I am having trouble keeping high resolution when I downsize for posting. I will try once again if these look too bad. Thanks for the help.