I used to have a vine that was given to me and they called it a potato vine, but it was not like the ones that are so popular now. For this type, you plant the hard fist sized potato in the spring and it grew to produce huge heart shaped green leaves on a hardy vine and then produced lots and lots of potatoes. I used to harvest and plant every year but moved and now have no access to them. Now ...no one knows what I am talking about! Does anyone know about these? And how I can get some. Thanks .
If it's a sweet potato, it's completely different from the kind I know. The potato itself is hard and brown. The leaves are bright green and as big as your head.
Wow hope that one is not here. Looks and acts like the bannana passion fruit that is all over tree canopies near here. That is a garden escapee here. Liz
I think we have a winner. From the pix it looks like it is an air potatoe. Never knew it was quite so unwanted by most. Okay, now, does anyone know where to get some? Thanks, Cherie
http://www.plantatlas.usf.edu/main.asp?plantID=1726 The vines are easy to spot and aerial "potatoes" are abundant. I doubt that they'd be a serious pest in northern Mississippi. Be aware though, that it's a noxious weed in Alabama and Florida! http://plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=DIBU
Thanks for the info. I actually found someone on ebay who sells them so I ordered some. I appreciate your help. Cherie