What could this be?

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by shoreboy31, Jun 15, 2006.

  1. shoreboy31

    shoreboy31 Member

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    Ridgely, MD
    Last year we had one of these in our flower bed, and it was the only one we had ever seen. Now our flower bed is overrun with them We have no clue what it is, but we know it is not what it looks like...lol...when it's fully mature it blooms with "red, hanging blooms that resemble a mix between a bleeding heart and a columbine" as per my mom's description (I've never seen it bloom before). The plant reaches about 36 inches in height when mature. Noone around here can name it. at first we were scared that it was actually what it resembles because we do live in an apartment complex frequented by drug users, so we figured that they had just thrown their seeds into a flower bed, but after closer inspection we noticed small thorns on the stalks, usually located around or near the joints in the stems. It has an odor almost like that of a common tomato plant, and when handled the stems emit a sticky substance. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have a few pics of the plants in their current state (non-blooming) but as soon as one blooms I will include a pic of that as well...

    20060614_img_05.jpg 20060614_img_06.jpg 20060614_img_07.jpg
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Resembles spider flower (Cleome).
  3. shoreboy31

    shoreboy31 Member

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    Ridgely, MD
    Just looked up Cleome, and found a pic...showed it to mom and she said "THAT'S IT!!!!"

    Thanx...I figured someone here could figure it out...

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