What began with a few flowers I needed identified led to this: Search Current Weather Related Photos | Weather Underground There's a second page. At the bottom of the flower pictures on this page is a "Next 50" link, click that to reach the second page. I found a lady in our neighborhood who has a degree in horticulture and knows the name of almost any flower, so I haven't needed to come here lately. If it's inappropriate to post this here I'll try to remove it.
I think it's a handy reference to so many common garden plants, and nice photos too, don't see any reason you shouldn't be allowed to share it with us. Thanks. You can have a signature line here, and I'm pretty sure it's ok for you to have a link to this page in your signature.
I had to move my flower pictures because WonderPhotos closed. They are now on Flickr If you aren't familiar with Flickr, clicking on the thumbnail gets a page with a larger view and sometimes a little more information. Then clicking on the picture on that page gets a quite large image, probably larger than your screen. If you see any identification errors please post them here and PM me. Since I can't help with identification I rarely come here.