they grow in many places in our new Vancouver garden.. and I dont know first I thought it was off spring off a PEONEY rose I planted but that has not shown this season anything. ? Thank you. The Japaneses Saule should have survived HAVE THEY they look so bad should I replant them with new soil in the pot etc or just wait ? Thank you
I'd agree that #1 and #2 are buttercups. #3 looks like it's intentional - the decorative planter, the fullness of the plant.... It looks kind of like a sedge or ornamental grass but I can't really tell.
Thank you so much .. Yes they are in many Funny they never grow WHERE one would like things to green like under the PINE tree :-) ...will talk to them :-) or maybe I should replant them about a gardening masochist..replanteing weeds :-)
The ranunculus r. is quite resilient to weed control.... if allowed it will overtake the soil patch...