I live in Toronto, Canada an have been landscaping for 9 months. I would appreciate it if someone could direct me to a website that displays photos and names of common weeds in garden beds in my region. I am very enthusiastic about my new career and would love to familiarize myself with everything. Thanks alot for your time, it is greatly appreciated.
Here you go: http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/crops/facts/ontweeds/weedgal.htm There's a number of sites I found with a basic search. May be hard to sort out your particular nemeses from these long lists tho'. You know, there are usually a few weeds that are real pests in a given area & some others that can be tolerated till you get more fussy. Other gardeners were my best resource when when I couldn't tell a weed from a wegetable. Perhaps you could join the local garden club &/or talk to the guy up the road who has a garden you admire. There's always one around-you just say "I love your garden"- It's easier than dating-chances are you'll be in like flint(where does that phrase come from anyway?). My experience is that visiting other people's gardens & asking questions (dumb or not) is a good thing. Gardeners share lots of info freely - I think some plant people may be a wee bit obssesive & many are extremely well informed in their particular areas of interest. gb.
Thanks very much for the terrific website. There are many gardens I admire, problem is they are gardens I maintain. It wouldn't look very good if the "professional" was asking the customer about garden care lol. And I believe the saying refers to the ever-popular Larry Flynt.
...well how was I to know? Perhaps you could contact the local garden club & offer to give a talk -they're always looking for speakers. I wonder if that constitutes a graceful recovery? :) gb.