My almost 1-year-old Saruma has taken up with some sort of low-life, the thing with the alternate, sessile, lanceolate leaves with parallel veins in the background. Is that recognizable as anything people pay money for, or should I yank it?
I would keep it and wait and see. Looks like Disporum /Disporopsis ..something that would be happy growing in a shady area with the Saruma.
Just for the record, a flickr contact has told me that the white flower in my photo is Eomecon chionantha, Snow Poppy, and she indicated that the one I asked about is Disporum. The Saruma has come up now, with 3-petalled yellow flowers and fuzzy leaves roughly the shape of the snow poppy. Three-for-one at the plant sale where I bought this last year isn't bad. She suggested that I separate them now.
Yes..of course it is . I should have noticed. We used to grow loves damp shady is a thug! It sends out runners and forms huge dense patches. Not sure I would ever plant another ....unless I had a huge wild garden.
So maybe that's the one I should get rid of, and for sure not plant it in with anything else. I'll check whether we want a thug in the wet dark garden area at my building. It's very sweet, and the flowers last a long time - the one in the photo is still there.