wanted: plant detective

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by shewholikesplants, Jul 17, 2004.

  1. shewholikesplants

    shewholikesplants Member

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    New York
    Hi everyone, I hope to find some wise and green thumbed help from you as well as bid you all a lovely garden.
    In one of my improvised visits to a hardware store, I bought a plant which was marked "assorted shrub." However, there is nothing assorted about it: the scent is classic jasmine, but in my research on the web I have not found which type. It is a shrublike plant, 3 ft tall, with woodsy stems, large and wide leaves with serrated edges, the flowers are in generous clusters at the end of the branches, flowers are white, tulip shaped ending in four round and wide "petals." Scent is reminiscent of jasmine fragrance. Now, here is the mystery. As per the instructions which came with the plant, I should place it in my garden, semi shade, lots of water. However, I (and the hardware store from which I bought the plant) are both in Long Island, New York, where winters traditionally are below freezing every year. I am a tad reluctant to plant my would-be jasmine outside. So, here is what I need to know:
    What kind of jasmine is this? How may I care for it indoors? Thank you all a big much!
  2. Mudd

    Mudd Member

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    santa rosa, CA.
  3. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    Thread moved to Plant ID. Thanks, Mudd.

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