This has suddenly appeared in the midst of a weedy area and all that I know is that I am not responsible for its presence there. Can anyone add anything to my knowledge?
Chamaenerion angustifolium, or Fireweed, owes a lot of its success blanketing hillsides after logging or fires to its widespread, rhizome-like roots. You may find it difficult to eliminate for that reason because new stems will grow from roots left in the ground after you pull it. It grows well from long-lived seeds too . . . though it has never bloomed in my garden in 16 years, I am pulling dozens of seedlings this year. Note: When I looked it up on E-Flora BC just now, I read that there are two sympatric subspecies occur in BC. Can't help but wonder if "ssp. circumvagum Mosquin" may be named for @Daniel Mosquin? E-Flora BC Atlas Page
Epilobium angustifolium circumvagum Mosquin was first published in 1966. So if Daniel was creating new plant names more than 56 years ago then that is possible.