Hi, I planted this vine this summer and I really like how it has covered the fence, but I would like to know what it is. It does not have tendrils but supports itself by the stem twining around. It has small purple flowers that are really convoluted and a really twisted seed pod. The stems are alternate with 3 leaflets at the end of a short stem (trifoliolate). I live about 12 miles in from the Gulf of Mexico and 100 miles down the coast from Houston, TX. I have taken a few picture and will try to include them here also. Thanks for any help A Rhoades
Clitorias - This is a possibility my Big book lists a Clitorias ternatea (Blue Pea, Butterfly pea) that really describes it but no picture for comparison. Vigna caracalla (Corkscrew flower, snail bean, Snail flower) This does describe what the flower and seed pod look like. I should have put a ruler in the picture for size the largest leaves are only about 2 inches long ubless you include the stem that attaches them to the stalk. Legume family - I don't see anything in my big book that looks even close to this vine. Thanks A