Please help. If you will notice the leaves, they are very thick and waxy and when the plant was healthy (before someone just pulled it up and left it to die) the leaves were SUPER THICK and SUPER WAXY. It didn't even look real. This plant has very small purple flowers. I wish I had a better camera but if someone can look past all the seeds and see the leaves and flowers maybe it can be identified. This plant was on the Gulf Coast beach nowhere near the water but right up against a fire hydron. I would LOVE to save it and would LOVE to know what it is. It's BEAUTIFUL when it's healthy. (looks pitiful right now) Thanks a lot. I guess I should also mention the roots are dry and some of it crispy. I am soaking it in water over night as suggested by Lowe's lawn and garden. Any help would be so appreciated. Leah
maybe you can propagate a new plant from what is still good if you are not able to bring the whole plant back.
How do I do this? just stick it all under the soil/sand? or do I bust the bulb looking things open or what?
Please don't "bust the bulbs"!! Figure out what soil the plant likes best and plant a small cutting of the stem or a part of the "non-crispy" root carefully. If there are still some bulbs that look like they have life in them, you could try having your cutting include that portion of the plant. But, again, no busting, please, be gentle. This poor plant has already been through enough and needs more than a little TLC if it's going to have any kind of chance.
It does look very similar ! Does the sea rocket turn yellow at all? Could it be the same thing even though it doesnt look EXACTLY alike? I won't bust the bulbs. Thanks !!! Leah
How do you get acid, neutral alkaline soil? I have 1/2 sand it came from and 1/2 soil from Lowes. Is this ok? The plant "expert" at Lowes said to do this and also told me to put it in the shade for a week or two until I see new growth and THEN put it in the sun so that it doesn't have to work so hard at surviving and said to give it A LOT of water. Is this not what I should do??? Sounds like I might be doing all the wrong things. I hope not. Thanks a lot !! Leah
I did some serious research and I really do think that's sea rocket. One reason the Google pictures may not look exactly like yours is because the plant doesn't come into full bloom until mid-June or July. My guess is that somebody dug it up because it's considered an invasive weed in some places.Can you return to where you found it and dig up more of the sand from where it came from? Make a mixture of sand and gravel and a few handfuls of acidic potting soil (the kind sold in WalMart for Azaleas and Hydrangeas is cheap and would work.) The most important thing is to make sure there's good drainage, so the roots don't rot. (Make sure your planter has holes in the bottom and make sure there's an even mixture of sand and gravel.) Keep the plant moist, but don't drown it. Put it in a partially sunny, partially shady area. No full sun, no full shade until it recovers, then put it in full sun. Good luck!