I have an unknown plant/wildflower/weed which has arrived I guess as either a windborne/birdborne seed. The leaves are reminiscent of creeping buttercup or garden celandine i.e. heartshape, but it has longer shoots bearing the leaves although still prostrate in habit. However the flowers are a very delicate wedgewood shade blue, about the size of a small viola.It shows ( at the moment) little or no signs of being particularly invasive, as a buttercup or celandine tends to be. It is in flower at the moment - I have heavy clay soil which never dries out, and it seems to be quite happy even in the present unseasonal hot sun. I do have a comprehensive plant encyclopedia ( RHS ) and a a British wildflower reference book - so if anyone can point me in the right direction I can compare the actual plant with the illustrations in the book. I lean towards the weed theory,as the flowers are not particularly "showy", and the leaves are quite a "dowdy" nondescript green so it is unlikely to be a plant grown for its foliage rather than the flower - although I find it quite pretty in an understated sort of way, and if it is a non-invasive weed it might be quite useful for attracting beneficial insects, as I am a "non-chemical" man. Any plant-identifying genius inspired? Thanks in advance Regards from UK Malcolm
Try this site, I've found it excellent.http://www.reticule.co.uk/flora/. Please let me know what it is.
Thanks for site info. Does not feature on website ( or at least I can't find it !). As it does not appear to be particularly invasive I am going to leave it and see whether or not it is perennial in nature. It is not a common weed in this area, or anywhere else I have been - I have never seen it before - and until it flowered I was convinced that it was of the buttercup family. I think that I have to do some more searching. Thanks for help Malcolm
Definitely not Cranesbill. The leaves are completely the wrong shape and texture. Leaves are smooth not crinkly - and completely "non-tactile" - I have an urge to "fondle" geranium leaves but these have no effect. I will see what I can do about a photograph, but I am a total technophobe so don't hold your breath! Thanks Malcolm