Pictures of unknown tree for identification. It is about 6 feet tall now and has situated itself in a bad spot right next to a pathway I have built in the back yard. It has a single stem with several branches. The upper part of the main stem is reddish and the leaf stems are reddish/pink. The largest leaves measure 6 inches across and 7 inches in length. The leaves also have reddish/pink veins. The leaf stems also have an odd flattened shape to them. I did not plant this plant, it seems to have "sprung up" on its own from somewhere. It was here last year, very small, and as I did not know what it was, I left it alone. This year it has grown substantially. Zone 5b, Brantford,ON
The (subject) largest leaves measure 6 inches across and 7 inches in length. Description of Black cottonwood Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa I think we use to call this Black Popular (?)) has leaves 6 (2.3 inches) to 12 (4.7 inches) centimeters long How is the leaf size reconciled with the identification? My Grandfather use to take the very sticky tipped bud of these trees and rub it on small wounds, telling me it was a good treatment. I believed this for years, until I found it did absolutely nothing, except make one's hand sticky.
It's an Eastern Cottonwood Populus deltoides (not Black Cottonwood P. trichocarpa, which has narrower leaves without the wavy margin).
Thanks. Eastern Cottonwood Populus deltoides .The small tree is different in appearance, than in the more mature stage.