I looked for a label on this plant at Mt Usher Gardens in southern Ireland earlier this year (to no avail). Very attractive suckering large shrub/small tree with pinnate leaves. I'm sure I've seen it before in other warm temperate/subtropical gardens, but I don't recall the name. Anyone?
Gevuina avellana from Chile? https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=g...YCA&biw=1536&bih=735&sei=_TUsUu0yyKKGB9PkgZgO See 5 more pics in Chile flora site.. http://www.chileflora.com/Florachilena/FloraEnglish/HighResPages/EH0193.htm Grows in warmer parts of UK such as Cornwall. Tried it in South Wales but frost killed it. Missed you when you came to Westonbirt. If ever you come to the fabulous gardens in Scotland do get in touch....May is the perfect month. S.S
Thank you all for the ID. Now having read Arthur Lee Jacobson's account (thanks for the link, Ron), I think we ought to try it at UBC. We're planning a small Antarctic Garden for Nothofagus and Wollemia and such things, and it might do splendidly there.
I once saw one maybe 2 m tall and growing in the open at Burnt Ridge nursery, it looked quite happy - but I think I found out later it didn't last. As might be expected, out where they are, well away from the banana belt.