Hi All, Wondering if anybody knows the ID of this plant (picture attached). It has scorpioid cymes and looks like an Boraginacea but I can't find any that fit. Any input would be appreciated!
Hello Jen, If this a photo of a native plant it could be Phacelia franklinii of the Boraginaceae family. I am using the book Plants of the Western Boreal Forest and Aspen Parkland as a reference. It describes the plant as 20 to 50 cm tall; stems soft-hairy and often with glands; leaves alternate, hairy, pinnately divided into linear-oblong toothed segments; flowers blue, occasionally almost white, 6-9cm lont,8-12 cm wide, broadly bell shaped; stamens and styles protrude slightly. The hairs of the stems and leaves may cause irritation of the skin. Does this describe your plant? Raakel
Thanks for the reply- I was looking at that one myself. The plants I was looking at had quite a bit more foliage than the Phacelia but that may just be an errant characteristic as the description fits. Jen