Hello! Thanks to anyone who can help us out. These plants are mostly perennials we think... all we know is that they weren't planted this year and appeared on their own or were around last year. The image IMG01033-20120630-1344.JPG we're pretty sure is a sunflower, but if anyone recognizes the leaves, that would be awesome! The flower is a big bright yellow one. Thanks so much, R.E.A.P.S. (Recycling and Environmental Action Planning Society)
Welcome to the forum. The first can be Rudbeckia lacinata. Could you post a picture of that yellow flower?
Thanks for everyone's help! We've figured out the other 2 plants, but the mysterious flower of the plant (in the first leafy photo of the above three) has finally bloomed. Any ideas? It's about 5 feet high now.
That's wonderful, thank you so much for your help!! We've had the wrong name for 10 years on the garden map and can finally set the record straight :)