Hi! I brought some unknown seeds from the botanical garden in tenerife, picked up from the ground, but forgot to look from which plant. Now I have some nice small plants which I don´t know. Maybe anyone of you could help? The first plant is from a kind of "nut", but which came without any "nutshell". Size: about 1 cm (third of an inch), green inside. This "nut" broke in several parts, each if it growing a plant, but the biggest part grows the biggest plant (as shown on photo). The second plants come from a small fruit, somewhat like an apricot whith 3-4 small round seeds inside. The leaves look a bit like Alocasia, growing from the base, but the fruit looked like apricots and I slightly remember a tree nearby ...
Do you have any photos of the plants the seeds came from? It won't be easy to identify the seedlings fully, as the JardÃn de Aclimatación de La Orotava grows a large range of species from many different areas of the world. The first pic, I am not sure what it is. The second is probably an aroid (family Araceae).
Was hoping Michael/Lila/Ron would know. 1. Syzygium sp. perhaps? http://www.aseansources.com/en/ASS0056/product/Syzygium-Campanulatum/Syzygium-Campanulatum
Sorry, but under these hundreds of pics I took in the Jardin there´s not one of the plants which seeds I collected. As you say there are quite a lot of species, and it´s more like a jungle than a botanical garden ... I´ve been there with my family and just picked some seeds while the others were again ten steps farther ... Yes, I thought of that as well, some kind of Alocasia, but does the fruit match? The seeds came from a 1 inch sized orange colored fruit, looking a bit like an apricot. The floor was almost covered with these fruit and I think I remember trees around that place than aroids. BTW, I found the Index Seminum of the Jardin and googled every plant listed there and found no match at all :-( Any other suggestion?? THANKS!
Number one looks very much like a type of mango of which there are many varieties, did you say it came from a nut that cracked open? In the heat of the Canaries the seeds dry very quickly so it is just possible. Not sure about the second though. Hope you do well with your flamboyants, my Poinciana seeds from Fuerte Ventura are now lovely baby trees around a foot high. with the same spread or more. Nath
Hi Nath! That´s a good thought - mango, hmmm... I COULD be that there was a kind of flesh around the seed, which dried out or was eaten by birds. I just foung the round seeds without any friut or shell around it. To be correct: it was no "nut that cracked open", but the seed broke apart after there were two seedling coming up. Take a look: in pic 1 you can see the seed quite original as I found it (size: hazelnut-like) with two coming out , on pic 2 I tried to place them in a slightly bigger pot, on pic 3 they broke apart.
Not a Mango, that has flattened seeds, not globose like this one. Here's a pic of a Mango seed cut open: http://www.flickr.com/photos/66286183@N00/360428084
I agree with Michael the seed is wrong but it could be an Avocado there are many varieties and some do have mango like leaves in the beginning and start to change as they mature. The stones do split and you can get a seedling from each half as i have recently found out in an experiment. Nath
Hi Michael, hi Nath! I knew this couldn´t be a "normal" mango or avocado, because I have several seedlings and plants from these and all seeds are much bigger (and flat! - mango). Although the leaves look alike ... But thanks for the hint that there are many varieties of avocado, that´s something I can follow and google around ;-)
Persea indica (native to Tenerife) is a possibility, though if I remember rightly its seeds are smaller than yours appears to be.
Michael, Having read this article I think that you have hit the nail right on the head or very close to it! http://www.avocadosource.com/CAS_Yearbooks/CAS_74_1990/CAS_1990_PG_239-242.pdf Nath
To me that's a Syzygium Malaccense or related Syzygium. Why? because i have these plants and the seeds look and behave exactly in the same way. However my plants are a bit more red.