Hellos! I bought the plant the other day, but it didn't have any sort of tag to identify it. Sooos, I could use some help! Any ideas as to what it is?
Thanks! Epps, but I think it's going to need a different pot... and a trellis... To the Bat Cave! Edit: But! While I'm looking to find out what plants are what, maybe you could help me figure out what the attached plant is. It randomly popped up in my garden. Sort of odd, really. It has fuzzy green leaves and seems to possibly be a vine of some sort.
No idea what the garden plant is. You may want to post it in a separate thread to maximize readership.
^,..,^ Thank you, Chris. But, now the mystery is how it got there. I'm thinking squirrel... Or hyper-dimensional gateway. Guess I'll never know.