As the title suggests, these plants were growing in the cloud forest, Intag, at 2200m or thereabouts. Numbers one and two are the same plant, and these are from the intermediary zone between cloud forest and paramo. The black are the berries/seed pods; the flowers were reddish outside and yellow-cream inside. Number three is in the Mimosa family; I suspect it of being Anadenanthera colubrina but I'm not all that sure. Number four is just wierd. That's the post-floral body, I think. Number five is perhaps a begonia of some sort.
I was thinking the first one looked kind of like a phytolacca, but the plant in image four really looks like Phytolacca. I know little about them, but it looks kind of like Phytolacca bogotensis (came up in an image search, I don't know the plant)and there are probably lots more species down there.
OH, next time I will remember to refresh before replying to a thread that has been open for a while on my screen. Well, nice to have my suspicion confirmed.
I was surprised that photo turned out as well as it did, since everything was in constant motion from the wind generated by the waterfall. Could definitely be an impatiens, but that's a pretty big generum.