plant identification My wife has a plant in her back yard that she does not know. It has white trumpet shaped flowers that last one day only and are quite fragrant. The flowers stand vertically and may be 8 inches tall or less. The plant grows fast to the point of being rank. The foliage is noxious smelling when cut or bruised. The seed pods are spherical and are a mass of sharp pointed projections. I have included pictures of both the flower and the seed pods.
These are growing in our back yard flower border. Can anyone help to identify them. The flowers are white trumpet shaped and always stand vertically. They are about 6 - 8 inches tall and are quite fragrant. They last only one day though. Opening in the morning and beginning to wilt by evening. The plant is quite prolific.
yes datura,by the way, they are considered keep that in mind if you have animals or small children
In regards to being poison, I have a hilarious story about my former brother in law's experience with some jimsonweed tea. I am aware of jimsonweed, I didn't know what it looked like.
I did some reading about the Daturas. Is appears that all parts of the plants contain some powerful alkaloids. Some of which are used medicinally, some are hallucinogenic,and some are just plain toxic. They have been used for most of recorded history for one reason or the other. The bottom line is that they can be very toxic and can kill you. I did not see any reference to blindness specifically.