Vine I noticed this year for the first time on nature path around Kimberley around mark creek.It is wrapped around willows and other small trees.Lots of red berries in clumps hanging down.Vines are 2 metres high.Leaves are bright green and have 3 lobes.1 big lobe to the front and 2 smaller lobes at right angles.Vines are thin and green.Leaves almost resemble a small maple leaf but have a distinct split where the 2 smaller lobes go off the main lobe.I have walked this path for years and never saw these before.Tried a berry and found it to be bitter.Any idea of what this is.They were putting plants in this area a couple of years ago but were supposed to be native to the area.I have looked at all my books and on the internet but can't find this vine??
Is it nightshade? If so, don't eat it.
Thank you, that is what is, nightshade. I am going to look it up to see if it is native to this area.
Found this to be climbing nightshade.It has not been here long but is really taking over.Glad I never ate the berry when I tasted it (Randy)