You can use the key ( Unlike other Asteraceae genera, this one is quite straightforward. - Phyllary tips usually subulate to filiform. - Leaves mostly cauline. - Phyllaries 22–46; florets 30–45. - Leaf blades (mid stem) oblanceolate to lance-linear; length/width ratio 4-6. ==> Vernonia noveboracensis One of the three listed for NJ (V. glauca, V. gigantea, V. noveboracensis).
C'mon, Andrey. For most people (me included), something that's straightforward does not include the words phyllary, subulate, filiform, cauline, oblanceolate. I had to laugh. It was good of you to (locate), read and interpret that for us!
That's true! I spent much of the last three years digging the dictionaries. However, I thought much of my troubles related to English language. I had to figure out what means stipe-like, tuck-like etc. Well, the picture-based key would be a salvation here, as I mentioned recently in another thread...