As the thread title says, I found these two growing in my driveway and I'm curious as to what they are. Most likely weeds but I would like an ID if possible, I can't find either one in my Wildflowers of the Pacific Northwest book. The first 2 pictures are the same plant and the pictures are a little blurry, sorry about that. If it can't be IDed from them, I may have to try again with the camera. It has clusters of very tiny greenish flowers. The 3rd picture turned out better and I'm sure someone can help me figure out what it is. Thanks!!
the yellow flower The plant with the beautiful yellow flower on the right is buffalo bur (Solanum rostratum).
I'm having a little bit of a problem because the pictures are a little fuzzy, but the first plant appears to be a pigweed, possibly prostrate pigweed, Amaranthus graecizans? (I'm not sure of the species.) I agree with buffalo bur for the second one.
Thanks!! You guys nailed it! The first one is indeed a Pigweed. However it appears to be Pigweed amaranth, Tumbleweed, not the Prostrate Pigweed. Another one to dispose of as I really don't need tumbleweeds growing in my driveway or anyplace else on my property! The second one is Buffalo Bur. I agree it is a rather pretty flower but the state of Washington sure doesn't like it: I think I'll dispose of it quickly least I get thrown in jail!