These are very old photos of the trees nobody could help me with ID.I found them in Tokyo, I think it is warm climate trees(they both were growing very close to the wall on the south side of the building, actually in that building people grow, research and study plants) and not native to Japan(nobody could answer me, what are these plants,Japanese people mainly know their plants). It is not a pine, just it was next to pine(I hope it is pine?) which I don't know either 1. 2.
Re: Two strange tree from one place Parkinsonia aculeata and Allocasuarina/Casuarina I believe.
I was sure that second one is some kind of conifers:) And one guy even did suggestions that it could be an African pine, so I tried to look at any pines in Africa, nothing like this but he was close, one of the common names for Casuarina is Australian Pine. I saw these trees for several years but always in fall. I wish I could see them in bloom or even in fall when I already know names:(
I posted for ID a Parkinsonia aculeata in bloom from San Diego in July 2011. I never wanted to get close enough to Casuarina trees to notice flowers. They have so many nasty little cones on the ground around them, in places where I'd like to be walking barefoot - I'm thinking of a couple of places I like on Kauai. I found a good Field Guide to Identify the Common Casuarina (Australian Pine) Species in Florida.